Composer, Musician
Born in Belarus, 1987. Currently based in Poland.

Playing drums, synthesizers and different musical electronic stuff. Live performer. Much of his work involves improvisational and experimental music and participation in performative projects. He is interested in negotiating the fine line between music and noise through creating new sounds with it’s special rhythm, melody, developing and mood.

Since 2007 regularly took a part in various international music and art festivals. He repeatedly worked with artists, performers and writers : Nadya Sayapina, Aliaksey Talstou, Uladzimir Hramovich, Iria Arenas, Paulina Laskowski, Ilya Sin, Pavel Voinitski and Exorcist Gesamtkunstwerk group, Ales Rodin, Źmicier Jurkievič (»Mechanery Kultury«). He performed in collaboration with musicians Viktar Siamaška (By/Pl), Fantastic Swimmers (By/Pl), Gareth Davis (UK/NL), Christopher Ogiermann (DE), Knyaz Mishkin (By), Philip Palmer (Uk/Pl), Nikolay Rubanov (Ru), Sergei Khramtcevich (Ru) and others.

In 2022 Eugene Buldyk was the art-director of the concert »Black Macabre« for the ECLAT Festival Neue Musik Stuttgart.

As a solo composer he works on soundtracks for audio-installations, videos and performances of different artists and productions.

Credits: Eugene Buldyk

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