Lesia Pcholka

  • The prayer against the fog of history, 2023. Music by Christoph Ogiermann
  • Flowers from the Winner, 2020-2023

Lesia Pcholka's work delves into the intricate connection between mystical rituals and political pressures within authoritarian regimes. She uses the 2020 Belarusian revolution as a poignant example, examining the profound trauma it caused and the visual symbols that accompanied it. In her video pieces, she recites an ancient incantation whispered by healers, intended to aid in coping with the trauma of political exile and the impossibility of returning.

The video's ritual is juxtaposed with drone footage captured in the spring of 2023, revealing diverse regions of the country from a vantage point unattainable by the average Belarusian. This bird's-eye perspective offers an insightful comprehension of the boundaries that define one's "territory." However, this perspective is no longer accessible, as drone photography has been banned in Belarus since the summer of 2023. Lesia's work underscores the significance of self-identity and community belonging, emphasizing that it extends beyond the notion of imagined communication, reaching a more profound and firmly rooted connection than the often arbitrarily drawn lines of the "nation-state." The 2020 revolution played a pivotal role in envisioning individuals as an integral part of this larger narrative. It flowed through the streets of different cities, manifesting a vision of the future and branding itself with symbols that conveyed this vision.

One such symbol was flowers. Even though criticism arose, suggesting that Belarusians should have taken up arms instead of offering flowers after the outbreak of full-scale war in Ukraine, these symbols were carefully chosen to reflect the majority's stance against violence. Lesia, as an artist, reconstructs this imagery, continuing the mythological narrative while altering the context in which these flowers appear. Through her work, she engages in myth-making that transforms the symbols associated with past political traumas, offering a fresh perspective, concern, and commitment to her artistic choices.

Credits: Lesia Pcholka
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